In a city where death lurked around the corner, the world’s most notorious gangster Tyler Scott -- also known as King -- has been sitting in a prison cell for the past ten years after sacrificing his freedom to protect a secret drug that could chan...
In a time when being cutthroat was a way of life, Summer Taylor is forced to move from her hometown to a city where the money flowed effortlessly- just like the blood that came with it. With just her, her two sons by her side, and two kilos cocaine, ...
When you become an overnight phenomenon in the NFL, the money comes faster than your next breath. After signing a 90 million dollar contract, JT had the world at his fingertips. After crossing paths with an unexpected pretty face from his past he fou...
In a time when cocaine stained every fabric of society, a young girl named Star was being trained by her father to become a ruthless drug dealer. Her father was the only parent she had, considering her mother died while giving birth to her. Star list...
Trap is a debt collecting thug for IceBurg, the drug dealer to the stars of the entertainment world. After collecting a debt from one of Ice Burgs’ high end clients, he is offered a job that pays him and his partner, Chris, more money than they’v...