This breathtaking and lyrical novella captures a thrilling and momentous decision for a young man and the people he loves. Told from the perspective of Sam, the sensitive musician from Jodi Meadows's Incarnate series, lifetimes before he meets Ana, P...
Adventure, intrigue, and romance combine in a new fantasy duology from Incarnate series author Jodi Meadows. When Princess Wilhelmina was a child, the Indigo Kingdom invaded her homeland. Ten years later, Wil and the other noble children who escap...
The city of Skyvale is in trouble. Magic use is rampant. Crime is spreading. Told from the perspective of Tobiah, the crown prince with a dangerous secret, and set two years before the heart-racing action of The Orphan Queen, this 100-page digital no...
Skyvale faces problems worse than anyone realizes. Secrets are building. Enemies are everywhere. Told from the perspective of Tobiah, the crown prince with a dangerous secret, and set two years before the heart-racing action of The Orphan Queen, this...
The city of Skyvale's problems have reached the palace. Told from the perspective of Tobiah, the crown prince with a dangerous secret, and set two years before the heart-racing action of The Orphan Queen, this 100-page digital novella brings to life ...
Skyvale is on the verge of becoming a battleground. Told from the perspective of Tobiah, the crown prince with a dangerous secret, and set two years before the heart-racing action of The Orphan Queen, this 100-page digital novella brings to life...
In this stunning conclusion to "The Orphan Queen," Jodi Meadows follows Wilhelmina’s breathtaking and brave journey from orphaned criminal on the streets to magic-wielding queen. This epic fantasy duology is perfect for fans of "Graceling" by Krist...
From the New York Times bestselling co-author of My Lady Jane comes a smoldering new fantasy trilogy perfect for fans of Victoria Aveyard and Kristin Cashore about a girl condemned for defending dragons and the inner fire that may be her only chance ...
From the New York Times bestselling co-author of My Plain Jane comes the second book in a smoldering fantasy trilogy about a girl who must embrace her latent power or lose the dragons she loves. Perfect for fans of Julie Kagawa and Kendare Blake. ...
From the New York Times bestselling co-author of My Calamity Jane comes the final book in a smoldering fantasy trilogy about a girl who must embrace her latent power or lose the dragons she loves. Perfect for fans of Julie Kagawa and Kendare Blake. ...
Kingdoms will fall, gods will die, and hearts will be broken in this sprawling new fantasy from New York Times bestselling author Jodi Meadows."INTRICATE... UNIQUE... COMPELLING." -- YA Books CentralIn the middle of nothingness is the Island of Salva...
The king is dead. The world is lost. Long live the queen.The thin membrane of magic separating the human and demonic planes has been destroyed. Nightrender, the immortal warrior of the gods, must find a way to rebuild it, but Hanne -- the serpent gir...
Can a guarded gamer girl lower her shield for a new friend… or more-than-friend?"EARNEST AND LAUGH-OUT-LOUD... PITCH PERFECT." -- Publishers Weekly, starred reviewThirteen-year-old Ingrid’s been living a double life. At school, she’s her popula...