A MORTAL AFFAIR Dragonlord Linden Rathan, last-born of a race of immortal weredragons, has spent six hundred years alone, searching for his soultwin while his fellow Dragonlords watch over humanity's Five Kingdoms. When the Queen of Cassori die...
In Dragon and Phoenix, the sweeping sequel to Joanne Bertin's hugely successful fantasy epic The Last Dragonlord, Linden and Muarynna must rescue a trapped dragon from an evil princess.Once every thousand years the phoenix of Jehanglan burns to death...
In The Last Dragonlord and Dragon and Phoenix Joanne Bertin created a world unlike our own, where Dragonlords soar in the skies above the many realms of the land. The Dragonlords’ magic is unique, giving them the ability to change from dragon to ...