The young residents of Buckley, Massachusetts, find themselves scattered throughout the world with the advent of World War I: Jeremy as a newspaper correspondent, Johnny on the battlefields, and Ellen and Sally in the Red Cross...
Written with a sure sense of time and place that recreates the Boston and Marblehead of the Henry James era. Marblehead is the story of a young girls coming-of-agea magical, inevitable happening that is not so much dictated by time or place as by des...
Bella is five years old and she loves flowers, particularly the pink hibiscus flowers that grow on a little tree in the backyard of her great grandparents, GG and Pa. in the book, she learns unusual facts about the hibiscus, enjoys a little magic alo...
Bella is five years old. she loves the flowers in her great grand parent' s back yard. she esoeialy likes the little hibiscus tree with its huge pink flowers, However, due o her keen sense of observation, she notices there is something very differen...