Set in fourth century Scotland, the novel deals with the dark side of Eugenics. It follows the story of Rendail, who has been groomed from birth to perfect his father's work. The 'Family' may possess supernatural powers, but they are also fatally fla...
The long awaited sequel to The Tyranny of the Blood. Malim is the supernaturally powerful, time-travelling heir to the leadership of 'The Family'. He is the fulfilment of a long-awaited dream. But the dream has become a nightmare. Centuries of inbree...
Malim, time-traveller, psychopath and heir to the Family's tyrannical dynasty, is dead. An uneasy truce exists between the head of the Family, Rendail, and his estranged son, Arghel. But the fragile peace is about to be shattered. From their far futu...