Rudely awakened by a deadly home invasion, Dakota is thrust into a country at war. Realizing her home is compromised; Dakota is forced to make a long trek from the city of Minneapolis to the Wasatch-Uinta Mountains in order to survive. As Dakota trie...
Would you defend yourself if someone attacked you? Would you kill them? What if you knew they’d stop at nothing to kill you? Would you kill them then? What if that someone was your own mother? Would that make a difference; should it? Tiffany is a s...
It only takes a spark to ignite an inferno.
In a world where fears stem from catastrophes and terrorism, America faces its biggest challenge yet. Discord and apprehension are pushed to the extreme as ancient prophecies approach fruition.
Boris, a stray kitten rescued from the city streets, finds his forever home on the farm of his dreams!
There, with his sassy older sister, Olga, they explore the farmstead and all it has to offer. Through the antics and adventures of these t...
Fino a dove sareste disposti ad arrivare per difendere voi stessi . . . dalla vostra stessa madre?Tiffany è una ragazza di diciassette anni incastrata in una lotta per l’esistenza. Mentre cerca di reclamare il proprio diritto alla vita e...