‘The Search For Answers’ is the second novel and continuing story in 'The Continent Of St. Louis' series, where a startled and confused, Vince Davis finds himself back in 200...
The Search For Answers is the second novel and continuing story in 'The Continent Of St. Louis' series, where a startled and confused, Vince Davis finds himself back in 2005, confined to a mental institution for telling his story and experiences of t...
September 23, 2005 Trouble had appeared to be Vince Davis's middle name. it had seemed like to hardly anything had gone right for him during his second time around in 2005. He had been a fugitive from justice after having escaped from a mental instit...
Justin had built her a cabin in Northern California on land that he owned.The cabin was surrounded by woods and some wildlife i.e., deer, squirrels,and some elk. The cabin sat in a secluded area with no on living for milesaway. It was built exactly a...