Delicate Ministrations holds eleven short tales from speculative author J.L. Forrest. Honest Indie writes, "These are great stories from a writer who knows the techniques of good writing and infuses them with heart, soul, insight and a fearful imagin...
Minuscule Truths holds ten short tales from speculative author J.L. Forrest. It offers a treasure of storytelling, with yarns from the likes of Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Crossed Genres' Fierce Family, Robot Cowgirl's Alien Abduction, and other...
Requies Dawn is the thrilling first installment of the Eternal Requiem trilogy by author J.L. Forrest. In the far future, the cosmos has been reshaped by forces more powerful than even the great Atreiani, Sultah yw Sabi. Though she once ruled all the...
Launched from orbit. Crashed in hostile territory. And the infant he carries won't stop crying.
Thus Aurelius begins his mission, a race to penetrate the very heart of the Faen, the territory of the Queens of the Horned Lord. He must reach ...