Two award-winning graphic artists have produced an outstanding tale of cyberpunk adventure and the quest for freedom. Icaro is a thrilling manga science fiction adventure in the tradition of Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Clamp's sf sagas. Icaro is th...
The Walking Man is a book in which nothing happens but everything occurs. It follows a modern-day Japanese business man as he strolls at random through urban Japan -- often silent, usually alone -- with his vivid dreams that let time stand still. Joi...
KNOW THY FATHER The book opens with some childhood thoughts of Yoichi Yamashita spurred by a phone call at work informing him of his father’s death. So, he journeys back to his hometown after an absence of well over a decade during which time h...
Hiroshi Nakahara is a forty-something salary man returning to Tokyo from an intense business trip when he is catapulted back into his fourteen year-old life and body whilst retaining all the character and experience of the adult. Will he change his p...