In this collection of powerful and deeply humane short stories, Jim Ray Daniels' characters struggle to find themselves in a society that has cast them aside. As they make their way under the permanently gray skies of Michigan's lower peninsula, t...
Trigger Man is a superb collection of stories capturing the gritty spirit of Detroit and the sometimes grim circumstances of the characters shaped by its industry and economics. Grounded on the bleak streets of the Motor City, these stories also e...
In these linked stories, the constants are the places―from Eight Mile High, the local high school, to Eight Miles High, the local bar; from The Clock, a restaurant that never closes, to Stan’s, a store that sells misfit clothes. Daniels’s chara...
In The Perp Walk, his latest collection of linked stories, Daniels maps out the emotional capitals and potholes of coming of age in a blue-collar town in the Great Lakes State, though it could be any state where people work hard, play hard, and arenâ...
In The Luck of the Fall, characters get lost; they fall, but the falls shape their lives in ways that might even be called “lucky”if luck is defined as survival, despite the scars left behind. They take consolation in their lack of ...