In Jim Grimsley's remarkable first novel, Winter Birds, Danny Crell tells himself his own story, and in doing so illuminates the heartbreaking story of his father's violent tyranny over his mother, his sister, and his three younger brothers. The nove...
Jim Grimsley returns to the Southern landscape evoked so powerfully in his previous award-winning novels, Winter Birds and Dream Boy, to tell an unforgettable story of a woman's search for the meaning of a dream that has haunted her throughout her li...
Ford McKinney leads a charmed life: he's a young doctor possessing good looks, good breeding, and money. He comes from an old Savannah family where his parents, attentive to his future, focus their energies on finding their son--their golden boy--a ...
Kirith Kirin is like no other fantasy that you have ever read. Jim Grimsley has created a fantasy that could have come right from our world where power and greed can tempt, and sometimes conquer, even the most rightist person and where knowing who yo...
The Ordinary is a powerful and entrancing tale of magic, science, and the mysterious truth that binds them together.Jim Grimsley's novels and short stories have been favorably compared to the works of Samuel R. Delany, Jack Vance, and Ursula K. Le Gu...
Jim Grimsley's previous science fiction novel, The Ordinary, was named one of the Top Ten science fiction books of the year by Booklist and won the Lambda Literary Award. His novels and short stories have been favorably compared to those of Ursula K....
"The Lifetime movie of my divorce and crime spree will be entitled Breakdown at Midnight.... Sympathy for my character will be established by my loss of a wildly respectable, lucrative job with Arthur Andersen, a company which turned out to be as cro...
Jim Grimsley, novelist and playwright, holds no apologies when providing the psychological reasoning for human emotions in this first-time collection of his short stories.
Jim Grimsley is a PEN/Hemingway Awardâ€"winning author. He is senior ...
At the University of North Carolina, Ronny's made some friends, kept his secrets, survived dorm life, and protected his heart.Until he can't. Ben is in some ways Ronny's opposite; he's big and solid where Ronny is small and slight. Ben's at UNC on a ...