When thirteen-year-old Jim discovers Sam, an older black man, fishing in his favorite spot one day, he has no idea his life is about to change. The two form a remarkable relationship and as the summer unfolds, Jim learns there is more to his new frie...
At long last, the story behind one of the most memorable chapters in Texas high school football history: The 1964 Class A State Champion Archer City Wildcats. An enthralling account from the team's humble beginnings to its improbable march through th...
Leaving behind an abusive home, a sixteen-year-old boy and his best friend set out to find their place in the world. Come tag along as the two endure hardships, experience the kindness of strangers and come to realize that perhaps there are no coinci...
In 1967, in the small, wind-swept town of Penny out in West Texas, Bobby Hargrove’s high school football career ended before it ever got off the ground. One year later, determined to try again, only one obstacle stands in his way -- Head Coach Jack...
HORROR COMES IN ALL FORMSWichita Falls rookie homicide detective Horace Brown is brand new on the job. His partner, Big Bill Baughman, has been at it for thirty years and seen it all. Until today. What the two of them find inside a lavish home in the...
It's the summer of 1969 in the tiny West Texas town of Penny. Meg Hawes is making college plans while her boyfriend, Bobby Hargrove, and his best friend, Dilly Binzwanger, enjoy a three-month reprieve from Pirate head football coach Jack Stoner. For ...
Three decades have passed since seventeen-year-old Tulip McDowell was last seen leaving Sikes Senter Mall in Wichita Falls, Texas, in the fall of 1990. On the thirtieth anniversary of her disappearance, homicide detective Horace Brown pulls the cold ...