Meet Riley Ellison, a smart, quirky, young library assistant who’s become known in her hometown of Tuttle Corner, Virginia, as Riley Bless-Her-Heart. Ever since her beloved granddaddy died and her longtime boyfriend broke up with her, Riley has bee...
Riley Ellison has taken a great leap of faith by giving up her comfortable job at the Tuttle Corner Library for the exciting world of print journalism. Except that so far it hasn't been very exciting. All that changes when Riley's former co-worker Ta...
There's been a shocking double murder in Tuttle Corner, Virginia, involving high-profile players from Washington D.C. This brings national attention -- and big-city competition for the story -- to junior reporter Riley Ellison's little corner of the ...
Reeling after tragedy hits close to home, young journalist Riley Ellison becomes obsessed with uncovering the secret that led to her grandfather’s murder years before and that just took another life in Tuttle Corner. Her desperate search for answer...
From the perpetual mind of one of the enormously creative 21st Century writers comes the highly anticipated novel of the 20th Century, Escaping the Pit to the Palace. It cleverly weaves historical events with intrigue, mystery, and even a little...