The Castaway Carnival: fun, mysterious, dangerous. Renowned for its infamous corn maze...and the kids who go missing in it. When Olive runs into the maze, she wakes up on an isolated and undetectable island where a decades-long war between two factio...
On the island of Bellona, life is peaceful--as long as the citizens dutifully worship the Sun, which protects them from all harm. Seventeen-year-old Veda knows that keeping the Sun happy will protect her and her grandfather from the Night, the danger...
In this electrifying YA dystopian sequel to Beware the Night, Veda is captured and leveraged against her best friend, who fights for the opposing force.Civil war has come to the island of Bellona. Veda Adeline believes in the Night. She’s joined th...
Life in lower Manhattan is normal for Molly, her dads, and younger sister. But on September 11, 2001, everything changes. Molly and her younger sister, Adeline, are at school when the first plane hits the World Trade Center. When the Twin Towers fall...
4th Bestselling Children's Book Series of all Time -The New Yorker In Murder at the Old Willow Boarding School, YOU need to solve a murder… your own! You go to breakfast with your friends and feel strangely alone. No one looks at you and no one...
An interactive adventure featuring a deadly curse, a rival school, and a traitor in your ranks.The Great Winter Academy for the Extraordinarily Talented is made up of students with paranormal and fantastical abilities. This year, YOU are one of three...