In this powerful debut novel, a young librarian grieves the loss of her husband...and discovers a love that defies classification. It's been over three years since a train accident made a widow of Katrina Lewis, sending her and her young daughter ...
As the dress-bearer for her mother's wedding, comic book artist Laney Hudson has a lot more baggage than the bulky garment bag she's lugging from New York to Hawaii. Laney is determined to prove she's capable of doing something right, but running cho...
From the author of Dictatorship of the Dress comes a new novel about a woman who’s vowed to never walk down the aisle -- and the two men who’ll do anything to get her to say “I do”… “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride” has suited Da...
Will wedding bells rock out for Louder Than Love's most beloved couple in this Love and Steel novella? Falling in love with rock star Adrian Digger Graves was a dream come true for former librarian Kat Lewis. But with a little help from friends and...
From the author of Deeper than Dreams and the Much I Do About Nothing novels, a story that proves that you have to find yourself before you can find love... As a rock star Riff Rotten Rick Rottenberg has enjoyed all the perks that fame can of...
Not all gifts come wrapped in ribbon...Come spend Christmas in New York City with your favorite rock star family! The perfect novella to bring a smile to your face for this holiday season. - Elizabeth, GoodreadsEvery word has been chosen with care an...
Meet the OG Matzo Ballers: Eight friends who became found family, living and loving their best lives on a yearly Hanukkah harbor cruise around Manhattan...It was only supposed to last for one night. Work-obsessed Nora Ruben is tired of playing by all...
From the author of Louder Than Love comes a long-awaited return to Lauder Lake...ten years laterSometimes getting what you want is the easy part. Katrina Lewis-Graves isn't the type of woman to run from problems. But she knows to get out while the ge...
Meet the OG Matzo Ballers: Eight friends who became found family, living and loving their best lives on a yearly Hanukkah harbor cruise around Manhattan...Worst Hanukkah Ever.Indie rock star Avi Wolfson is freezing his strings off in a snowy Ohio res...