For fans of John le Carre, a riveting spy thriller that spans two continents and probes the limits of loyalty and love Jeremy Duns's lightning-paced debut introduces a morally complex and unforgettable agent named Paul Dark into the canon of espi...
October, 1969. Moscow. Paul Dark is a broken man. A terrible mistake 24 years ago led to him being recruited into Soviet intelligence, but he has paid a heavy price for it. Now locked up in a cell, Dark has nothing for company but the ghosts of his p...
It's 1969, and MI6 agent Paul Dark has spent the last twenty-five years betraying his country. When a would-be Russian defector turns up with information about a high-level British double agent, Dark goes on the run -- only to discover that everythin...
A time of turbulence1975. A summit has been arranged between the Rhodesian government and various nationalist leaders, and is due to take place in railway dining car 49, midway along Victoria Falls Bridge. But Matthew Charamba, a key player in the ba...
He was a giant of Cold War journalism, reporting from the alleyways of Vienna, Berlin and Budapest and the jungles of Biafra and Paraguay. A war hero, a Nazi-hunter, a spy and a master manipulator, he was also a major influence on several of the 20th...