In a story inspired by the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale, Wynnona Hendricks finds herself caught between the realms of Heaven, Hell, and Earth, fighting for her right to live. The Demon Lord, Aidan, has activated her latent powers carefully hidden behin...
Wynn Hendricks is not your average teenager. All she wants is to finish high school, but normal things seem impossible when the monsters under her bed are real… Unexpectedly, a Demon Lord appears, declaring her soul is his property and throwing her...
Months after living in the Demon Realm, Wynn finally manages to break free. Her return is met with confusion and mixed signals, especially from her mother, Michele, who is awake on the other side. Aidan has vowed to destroy them both and won’t give...
Outstanding! Jennifer Siddoway's Highland Raiders will steal your heart. A breathtaking mix of romance and adventure, each turn of the page delights. ~ Sue-Ellen Welfonder, USA Today bestselling author From the first line, Taken By Graeme transp...