This contemporary Australian thriller is on one level a story of family disintegration and social alienation. It concerns Beth, her estranged husband Mark, and his beautiful young girlfriend, Helen. The wasp tale unfolding in Beth’s garden provides...
A blissful carefree summer beckons for Samantha Carmichael. But her world is turned on its head when she learns she's adopted - and that she has a twin sister, Charlie, who is critically ill. While Charlie recovers in hospital, Sam offers to look aft...
Heads you win. Tails you die ... Can one man’s revenge become his redemption?
Young Luke Tyler has everything going for him: brains, looks and a larrikin charm that turns heads. The future appears bright, until he defends his si...
From the best-selling author of Brumby’s Run and Currawong Creek comes an evocative tale of love and loyalty, set in the heart of Australia’s riverlands.
Can Nina protect the wild place she holds so close to her ...
From Jennifer Scoullar, author of the bestselling Fortune’s Son, comes the third book in the Tasmanian Tales trilogy. The Memory Tree carries on this gripping saga of ambition, betrayal and dangerous love.
A heart-warming new rural romantic suspense set in the Victorian High Country by the bestselling author of Brumby's Run.Armed with nothing but some loose change and her beloved dog Duke, Mallee girl Pippa Black has finally found the courage she needs...
Ambitious country reporter Del Fisher seems to have it all. She's just landed her dream job, along with an engagement to Nick, Winga's most eligible bachelor and son of local mayor and mining tycoon, Carson Shaw. But Del is blindsided when a feature ...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Jennifer Scoullar has published 11 books.
Jennifer Scoullar does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Paradise Valley, was published in August 2023.
The first book by Jennifer Scoullar, Wasp Season, was published in December 2008.