Ride the rollercoaster of Shiloh Jacobs's life as her dreams derail, sending her on a downward spiral from the heights of an AP job in Tokyo to penniless in rural Virginia. Trapped in a world so foreign to her sensibilities and surrounded by a quirky...
Witness as Shiloh's new life in Virginia crumbles around her. The house she inherited from her mother is much more than a place to live -- it represents Shiloh's changed life and what little financial security she has. But her half sister is contesti...
Shiloh Jacobs is planning her wedding without family, without money, and without a clue -- and trying to make a go of small-town Southern life. Until she stumbles on an unsolved case about a missing woman that makes her run in the opposite direction ...
Explore Yellowstone National Park where the rough and glorious wilderness paints the perfect setting for romance. French-Arapaho Collette Moreau crosses paths with a washed-up cowboy named Wyatt Kelly. . .in a race for hidden treasure. Justin Fair...
Explore Yellowstone National Park where the rough and glorious wilderness paints the perfect setting for romance. French-Arapaho Collette Moreau crosses paths with a washed-up cowboy named Wyatt Kelly. . .in a race for hidden treasure. Justin Fair...
Explore Yellowstone National Park where the rough and glorious wilderness paints the perfect setting for romance. French-Arapaho Collette Moreau crosses paths with a washed-up cowboy named Wyatt Kelly. . .in a race for hidden treasure. Justin Fair...
Journey along as men and women emerge triumphantly out of their challenges and into romances that bolster their faith in nine historical novellas. Lonely Prudence has a secret admirer. Spoiled Olivia finds her first job. Adventurous Edie helps a rang...
Rush to California after the 1848 gold discovery alongside thousands of hopeful men and women. Meet news reporters, English gentry, miners, morticians, marriage brokers, bankers, fugitives, preachers, imposters, trail guides, map makers, cooks, missi...