The Vampire Hunter's Daughter is the first in a serialized novel by Jennifer Malone Wright. Fourteen-year-old Chloe witnesses her mother’s murder at the hands of a vampire. Before the vampire can kidnap her, there is an unexpected rescue by a group...
In the second installment of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter, Chloe Kallistrate’s life has been turned upside down. After witnessing the vampire attack that left her mother dead, she's adopted by her grandfather into a community of vampire hunters....
The sixth installment of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter begins right where the fifth part left off, with Chloe and her friends running for their lives as they escape the dungeons below Trevor’s home. Chloe lights their way through the darkness, bu...
In the fifth installment of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter, Chloe has been forced to make her decision to leave the community earlier than anticipated. To keep her family safe, she leaves with the vampire Trevor, who she had previously discovered wa...
A war is brewing between the hunters and the vampires and Chloe is determined to strike against the vampires before they have a chance to attack the hunter community. While Chloe tries to convince the hunter community, and most especially tries to co...
The Arcadia Falls Chronicles continues with Chloe, Drew and the rest of their small group training hard for the impending attack on the Talon Building, the hub of business for all vampires.The board of vampire hunters has refused to help them, leavin...
The second installment of Once Upon a Zombie Apocalypse continues as Jade and Kylee fight their way out of Virginia Beach and head toward the Mason Dixon line. There, they hope to find Kylee’s family alive and well.The virus, which is turning the w...
Society now knows of the vampires that roam the world. The creatures of the night no longer hide from humans. Instead, they are attacking on the streets, in plain view; either killing them or turning them into one of their own.Six months have passed ...
When her father died, Lucy Mae Estmond inherited the family business. She has known all of her life that she would be in line to watch over the soul sof the recently passed, keeping them safe from the Reapers. The soul eating Reapers have been a pla...
The Hunters have arrived in New Orleans. This time, the group faces their most dangerous battle yet … to kill one of the oldest vampires left on earth and eradicate her bloodline. But first they need to find her.After the devastation and chaos left...
Once upon a time, something wicked was woven. A magic formed by darkness and pain, a magic that only the victim of a broken heart could have created.The death of her one true love has forced Goldalynn to use dark magic. Determined to bring him back s...
The love of her life left her long ago, shattering her heart into a million pieces. It's taken Hannah almost twelve years to push away the hurt and move on with life. That is, until the death of a Reaper...
At long last, we get to view the world through Drew’s eyes.Society is slowly rebuilding since the end of the Vampire Apocalypse. In an effort to prevent another takeover by the undead, the government has requested the aid of the Hunters. Their miss...
Chloe’s brother Zander was given a second chance at life. When the Warrior Angel healed him he developed special abilities intended to help him rid the world of corruption. But now, those powers are causing him to question the difference between in...
What happens when the hunter becomes the hunted? Christina is about to find out when she awakes as the one thing she hates the most. Anthony, the original vampire has whisked her away to his country home to help her through this difficult transition....
The search for another of the remaining original vampires has taken the Hunters across the world.Alice knew there was a reason that she kept the house in Greece, when she sold everything else that Trevor left her after his death. Now, she once again ...
Some bonds reach beyond the realms.Molly McMillan has lived in Saint’s Grove her entire life and aside from the normal gossip and disputes that make up life in a small town, nothing exciting ever happened. Until one day, a cosmic event occurs and n...
Who can resist the sound of Sirens?The Hunters are still in Greece, continuing their pursuit of the original vampire, Pavlos.The goddess Sostrate has warned them that they will encounter creatures they have never fought before … creatures they did ...
The Hunters have returned home from Greece and are suddenly faced with new challenges as the vampire supporters continue to rise up. Gavin is happy to be back, but when he opens the door to a red headed Hunter who declares she is now part of their gr...
The Reapers are coming...The Keepers are ready to fight ... to defend their home and the souls, no matter what the cost.Olivia Estmond is tired of waiting to be attacked. It is time for the Keepers to strike first against the Reape...
Killing Reapers is just another day in the life of a Keeper.Kat Davenport spends her nights guarding souls and attends high school by day. The Bay Area graveyards are a hot bed for Reaper activity and slow nights are rare. She is good at what she doe...
Sometimes your past is the only thing that can help you move forward.Tragedy has driven Sasha to the small town of Lost Lake. The place where she spent her childhood summers swimming, soaking up the sun and exploring, was now an escape from reality a...
One small town, two entirely different worlds.Daniel Estmond has endured too much loss in his lifetime. His mother, his father, his fiancé ... all of them gone from this world. Every day he wonders which person he loves will come n...
He is a Keeper of souls and she can see what his future holds.As the oldest of seven siblings, Greg has always been the one to protect his brothers and sisters. He is also a guardian of souls, keeping the spirits safe from the soul-eating Reapers. Wi...
There is one rule. The existence of Keepers and Reapers remain a secret. Now, that secret is in danger because of one man. Tyler Tremain has always been fascinated by the unknown. A freelance journalist by day, he also moonlights as a paran...
Things have been quiet in Summer Hollow. With no Reapers in sight, James Estmond allowed himself to relax a little bit ... finally. He should have known that would never last. When Detective Lana Johnson shows up at his door, the secrets o...