Golden Country vividly brings to life the intertwining stories of three immigrants seeking their fortunes: the handsome and ambitious Seymour, a salesman turned gangster turned Broadway producer; the gentle and pragmatic Joseph, a door-to-door salesm...
When Jennifer Gilmore's first novel, Golden Country, was published, The New York Times Book Review called it an ingeniously plotted family yarn and praised her as an author who enlivens the myth of the American Dream. Gilmore's particular gift for di...
Poignant, raw, and insightful, Jennifer Gilmore’s third novel is an unforgettable story of love, family, and motherhood. With a “voice [that is] at turns wise and barbed with sharp humor” (Vanity Fair), Gilmore lays bare the story of one couple...
In this exquisitely written and emotionally charged young adult debut, Jennifer Gilmore explores how sometimes the wounds you can't see are the most painful. Did you know your entire life can change in an instant? For sixteen-year-old Lizzie St...