Hop aboard Wind Rider, a magical sailboat, with Max and Sofia, two kids trying to save the environment one problem at a time. Their first mission? Rescuing baby sea turtles in the beautiful waters of Hawaii. Max and Sofia are ordinary kids whose l...
Hop aboard Wind Rider, a magical sailboat, with Max and Sofia, two kids trying to save the environment one problem at a time. Their second mission? Protecting majestic scarlet macaw chicks in the most biodiverse place on Earth, the Amazon rain forest...
Hop aboard Wind Rider, a magical sailboat, with Max and Sofia, two ordinary kids trying to save the environment one problem at a time. Their third mission? Saving harbor seals from an oil spill! You never know where Wind Rider will tak...
Join Max and Sofia, two kids trying to save the environment one problem at a time with their magical sailboat. Their latest mission? Cleaning up the plastic waste that's hurting puffins and belugas in Iceland.In Starry Bay, summer vacation means snor...