犬のマッ,,と"っ -- ,に、二回目の,,,,テ,ン,な'学'険に行きま -- ,う,今回は、宇宙飛行士と一'に行く、初,ての有人の火星ミッ,ョンです,マッ,,は特別な宇宙...
多様性と宇宙'険で評価さ,た,リー,の三巻目,'学"に正確に描か,た,ラ,トと、...報満載の補足が"の物語,',,...力"に -- て"ます,設定は未来で、犬のマッ,,の友"...
子ど,,"に地球温 -- -- につ"て話すときに、",",,のと -- て教え,のではなく、そ,につ"て,ン,"レー,ョン,'持たせ,,うに -- ,う、と考えた"とが,,ますか,『 -...
Winner of:2013 Science Communication Award, American Institute of Physics
Max the Dog and a young girl named Tori take the first trip to the Moon since the Apollo era, and their trip proves so inspiring to people back on Earth that al...
The long-awaited prequel to the other books in the Science Adventures with Max the Dog series, this installment follows Max on his trip to the International Space Station where he shares in the adventures of astronaut life and helps save everyone fro...
今までの歴史の中の...人類,'代表す,ナレー,ーの -- ,,'持つ自分と -- て書か,た『,た -- 、人類』は宇宙につ"て私"が現在何,'知って"て、そ,,'どう,"って学,"だのかと...