For his whole life, fourteen year old Matthew Peters has been living in his older brothers shadow. David Peters is the star quarterback of the high school football team and his future looks bright. The town is buzzing with excitement and believes the...
In the continuing story of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, book two finds Luke about to face the biggest storm of his life. His father, who abandoned him at birth, has come back into his life, and wants custody of him. Pops is willing to fight for Luke...
How do you beat anyone who, with so much to live for, chooses to die?Navy Captain Owen Carmichael, currently residing in London, but soon to be returning stateside to serve as the Director of Operations at the National Counterterrorism Cent...
When two American teenage girls are abducted in Cancun within a week of one another, the local police are convinced a trafficking ring is responsible. Justin Mitchell is frantic in his attempt to find his daughter, Faith. When he loses confidence in ...