Tucked away in the rolling Tennessee countryside is the charming community of Watervalley, whose inhabitants are quirky and captivating and more surprising than you might expect... As an ambitious young doctor with a penchant for research, Luke B...
Welcome to the timeless charms of small-town Watervalley, Tennessee -- where young Dr. Luke Bradford is beginning to feel at home… When he comes to the aid of a woman at the grocery store, Luke is fascinated to learn she is Estelle Pillow, the...
The pastoral charm of small-town Watervalley, Tennesse, can be deceptive, as young Dr. Luke Bradford discovers when he’s caught in the fallout of a decades-old conflict… After a rocky start as Watervalley’s only doctor, Luke Bradford has dec...
After a turbulent eighteen months, Luke Bradford is finally at peace with his new life as the sole physician in rural Watervalley. It is Christmastime, the town loves him, and his marriage to his beloved Christine is a few short months away. Then,...