A young boy and his sister discover the secret of the Lake Champlain monster, but decide to keep the secret to themselves in this ficticious tale. Cartoonist Jeff Danziger creates a fantastic adventure of brother, sister, and an old fisherman frie...
Amid the violence and confusion of the waning days of the Vietnam War, Lt. Kit and his men--abandoned by their own government and allies and surrounded by the enemy--hope for riches, ignorant of the possibility of defeat...
Conservative Girl is Rebecca Starrett trying to climb up the greased pole of Washington political broadcasting. Her tactics are smarts, determination and a little blackmail just to seal the deal. The object of her disgust is the corrupt and licent...
The latest from the lauded political cartoonist is a coffee-table collection of his post-9/11 editorial cartoons with extensive, educational commentary.The Conscience of a Cartoonist collects the lauded editorial cartoonist's post 9/11 body of work. ...