Through four decades, five television series comprising over seven hundred episodes, ten feature films, and an animated series, fandom's thirst for more Star Trek stories has been unquenchable. From the earliest short-story adaptations by James Blis...
A killer stalks habitual library abusers and exacts gruesome, yet fitting, revenge. Collection Development Librarian Nicholas Hardy is forced to cancel his vacation, and he soon learns of a major upheaval in library policy that effectively leaves him...
Beware of Spilling InkSkate is a thief, trained and owned by the local crime syndicate, the Ink. When she tries to burgle a shut-in's home, she gets caught by the owner-a powerful undead wizard. He makes a deal with her: borrow books from other wizar...
On the RunHer mentor is dead, but he doesn't have to stay that way. He's left Skate a clue to bringing him back, and she and her friends are determined to follow it.No sooner do they set out for unknown lands, however, than things get dangerous. Hot ...