For DIARY OF AN AFFAIR, Jeannie Sakol uses an exciting cinematic approach. Reliving her own personal experience, she tells the story in a dramatic series of individual “scenes”. Each is told from the separate viewpoints of newly divorced Liza and...
In a riveting new novel of psychological suspense, Stephen White shines a brilliant light on the darkness that hides just beneath the surface of ordinary lives, on the fears that cripple us and the prisons we create-prisons of the body, mind, and spi...
New Year's Eve is the annual night of reckoning and regret. But for the fascinating Belsize women it is more than that. Here is their story of love, rivalry and twisted fate, sweeeping over three generations....
ACROSS EVERY FRONTIER, HER UNTAMED HEART ANSWERED THE CALL OF WILDEST PASSION! NOTORIOUS FLAMBOYANT, BORN TO THE STREETS -- Fiery-haired Flora was quick in both wit and temper. She ran from the sleazy music halls of New York's Paradise Squa...