Man at the Cross Road is the gripping story of Marcus Casca, the exactor mortis who headed the death squad that crucified Jesus. After serving his army stint, the tough, desensitized legionary returns to Rome, where, unable to readjust to civilian li...
In mid-twelfth century Mongolia, a baby boy was born clutching a blood clot in his fist, a sign portending future greatness and power. As a young man, against horrific odds, he rose from poverty, slavery, and obscurity to build the world’s l...
In 1991, two hikers in the Austrian-Italian Alps discovered a 5,300-year-old mummy partially embedded in a glacier. Ötzi may now be considered one of the most significant archeological finds of all time, but who was he when he was alive?Award-wi...
Manolete is a skilled matador trained to kill thousand-pound-plus bulls. Islero is a Miura bull bred to kill men. On August 28, 1947, their paths collide, leaving Manolete gravely wounded. As he lies in a hospital bed and drifts in and out of fitful ...
Unique…Interactive…Electrifying! On July 7, 1812 in Teplitz, Austria, Ludwig van Beethoven penciled a ten-page letter to his “Immortal Beloved.” The missive, which was never mailed, was not discovered until after the famous composer’s ...
Tales From the Far Side is a delightful collection of imaginative, eclectic short stories, some featuring humorous, chatty animals, not to mention mouthy inanimate objects. Many take place during cataclysmic historical events, such as the 2012 onslau...