In this acclaimed collection, Jean Thompson limns the lives of ordinary people -- a lonely social worker, a down-and-out junkie, a divorced cop on the night shift -- to extraordinary effect. With wisdom and sympathy and spare eloquence, she writes of...
A National Book Award finalist for her story collection Who Do You Love, Jean Thompson towers into the stratosphere with her new novel, Wide Blue Yonder.It is the summer of 1999, and something big and bad is coming to Springfield, Illinois, "the plac...
A New York Times Notable Book | San Francisco Chronical Best Book of the YearA master of short fiction whose "best pieces are as good as it gets in contemporary fiction" (Newsday) returns, as Jean Thompson follows her National Book Award finalist col...
Jean Thompson, heralded as "America's Alice of the best contemporary short-story writers" by Kirkus Reviews, delivers twelve exquisite new stories that combine her beloved trademarks of dark humor, seductively sharp wit, and uncanny obser...
Now, in The Year We Left Home, Thompson brings together all of her talents to deliver the career-defining novel her admirers have been waiting for: a sweeping and emotionally powerful story of a single American family during the tumultuous final deca...
After surviving a shooting at her high school, Linnea is packed off to live with her estranged father, Art, who doesn’t quite understand how he has suddenly become responsible for raising a sullen adolescent girl. Art’s neighbor, Christie, is a n...
Great fairy tales are not always stories designed for children. The lurking wolf in “Little Red Riding Hood,” the gingerbread house that lures Hansel and Gretel, the beauty asleep in her castle -- these fables represent some of our deepest, most ...
Alexis grew up in a dysfunctional family controlled by alcohol, giving her a childhood filled with a navet that extended into adulthood and was noticeable by the people she met. They did not hesitate to add to the confusion Alexis was already experie...
Jean Thompson -- author of the National Book Award finalist Who Do You Love and the New York Times bestseller The Year We Left Home -- is a writer at the height of her powers. Capturing the magic and horror in everyday life, Thompson revisits beloved...
Tracing the complicated friendship of two very different women who meet in college, She Poured Out Her Heart is a novel of remarkable psychological suspense, crafted by National Book Award finalist Jean Thompson. The night that Jane and Bonnie me...
A moving family saga about three generations of women who struggle to find freedom and happiness in their small Midwestern college town. A CLOUD IN THE SHAPE OF A GIRL is a poignant novel about three generations of the Wise family -- Evelyn, Laura...
In this warm and witty story, a young woman gets swept up in the rivalries and love affairs of a dramatic group of writers. Carla is stuck. In her twenties and working for a landscaper, she’s been told she’s on the wrong path by everyone -- fr...