The increase in identity theft and online crime has police nationwide preparing for a twenty-first century showdown. One crime fighters is fictional Chicago Police Detective Kerry Grant, the computer guru of the Twenty-third District. Kerry takes her...
In July of 1944, a member of the Women Airforce Service Pilots struggles to land an A-24 dive bomber whose engine suddenly burst into flames. A week later, another WASP finds her life threatened when the rudder cables of a BT-13 training plane snap m...
When Mattie Draper opened her Chicago detective agency in 1968, she was one of only a handful of female Private Investigators nationwide. For the first six months, her cases offered no greater challenge than finding lost pets and wayward spouses-unti...
A hand carved leather journal purchased at a Chicago book auction promises an adventure in New Mexico for a group of 'women of a certain age.' Instead, they find themselves followed by a modern day conquistador who will stop at nothing to have the bo...
An article in the Raccoon Grove Gazette about a 20-year-old unsolved murder and kidnapping rekindles interest in the tragedy. Anonymous letters arrive, one claims to know the identity of the killer, while another says the missing child is alive in ne...
After years of struggle, artist Rayna Hunt finds success within reach only to have an accident destroy the hand that guides her brush. Unable to paint, she uses settlement money from the accident to buy a small warehouse and converts it to a classroo...
''If your palette is cluttered, your painting will reflect that clutter.'' Rayna Hunt introduces her students to the world of oil painting with these words, but they apply to more than her art. After an accident destroyed her hand and she began the l...