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J.C. Diem's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    83 Books (14 Series)
  • First Book:
    April 2013
  • Latest Book:
    June 2024
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Full Series List in Order

Fate's Warriors

1 - God Of Mischief (Mar-2017)
2 - God of Mayhem (May-2017)
3 - God of Malice (Jul-2017)

Half Fae Hunter

1 - Dark Moon Rising (Oct-2018)
2 - Deadly Seduction (Nov-2018)
3 - Dungeon Trials (Dec-2018)
4 - Dragon Pledge (Jan-2019)


1 - Road to Hell (May-2016)
2 - To Hell and Back (Jun-2016)
3 - Hell Bound (Jul-2016)
4 - Hell Bent (Aug-2016)
5 - Hell to Pay (Sep-2016)
6 - Hell Freezes Over (Oct-2016)
7 - Hell Raiser (Nov-2016)
8 - Hell Hath No Fury (Dec-2016)
9 - All Hell Breaks Loose (Jan-2017)

Hunter Elite

1 - Hunting the Past (Jan-2018)
2 - Hunting the Truth (Feb-2018)
3 - Hunting a Master (Mar-2018)
4 - Hunting For Death (Apr-2018)
5 - Hunting A Thief (May-2018)
6 - Hunting a Necromancer (Jun-2018)
7 - Hunting a Relic (Jul-2018)
8 - Hunting the Dark (Aug-2018)
9 - Hunting a Dragon (Sep-2018)

Loki's Exile

1 - Exiled (Sep-2017)
2 - Outcast (Sep-2017)
3 - Forsaken (Oct-2017)
4 - Destined (Nov-2017)

Mortis Vampire

1 - Death Beckons (Apr-2013)
2 - Death Embraces (Jun-2013)
3 - Death Deceives (Aug-2013)
4 - Death Devours (Oct-2013)
5 - Death Betrays (Dec-2013)
6 - Death Banishes (Feb-2014)
7 - Death Returns (Apr-2014)
8 - Death Conquers (Jun-2014)
9 - Death Reigns (Aug-2014)

Nox: Demoness

1 - Devil Uncaged (May-2021)
2 - Hellion Unleashed (Jun-2021)

Nox: Night Cursed

1 - Hexed on Halloween (May-2020)
2 - Tricks and Treats (Jul-2020)
3 - All Hallows' Apocalypse (Sep-2020)
4 - Trickster's Treachery (Nov-2020)

Nox: Sorceress

1 - Fatal Glamor (Mar-2021)
2 - Lethal Charms (Apr-2021)

Nox: Succubus

1 - Blissful Demise (Jan-2021)
2 - Oblivion's Kiss (Feb-2021)

Nox: Triumvirate War

1 - Battle for Nox (Jul-2021)

Saige Sterling: Badass Bounty Hunter

1 - Nexus (Nov-2022)
2 - Conflux (Dec-2022)
3 - Vortex (Jan-2023)
4 - Toxic (Feb-2023)
5 - Redux (Mar-2023)
6 - Apex (Apr-2023)
7 - Equinox (May-2023)
8 - Pyrexia (Jun-2023)
9 - Victrix (Jul-2023)

Shifter Squad

1 - Seven Psychics (Nov-2014)
2 - Zombie King (Jan-2015)
3 - Dark Coven (Mar-2015)
4 - Rogue Wolf (May-2015)
5 - Corpse Thieves (Jul-2015)
6 - Snake Charmer (Sep-2015)
7 - Vampire Matriarch (Nov-2015)
8 - Web Master (Jan-2016)
9 - Hell Spawn (Mar-2016)

Shifter Squad Next Gen

1 - Ink Cursed (Aug-2021)
2 - Invisible Chains (Sep-2021)
3 - Risky Bargains (Oct-2021)
4 - Alpha Rivalry (Nov-2021)
5 - Rex's Thrall (Dec-2021)
6 - Spectral Justice (Jan-2022)
7 - Prince's Bride (Feb-2022)
8 - Mystical Schemes (Mar-2022)
9 - Twins' Bond (Apr-2022)
10 - Old Gods (May-2022)

Book List in Order: 83 titles

  • Working late one night, Natalie Pierce is kidnapped by a creature that looks like a harmless old man, but is something far more terrifying. Waking up in a creepy mausoleum, she is forced to endure three nights of indescribable agony. Her life is fore...

  • Natalie Pierce awakens to find herself buried in a box that strongly resembles a coffin. After some initial confusion she remembers that she has become a member of a very exclusive club; the living dead.Natalie has three important tasks ahead of her....

  • From the moment she'd been turned into Mortis, Natalie Pierce has been fated to come face to face with the first vampire ever created. Hideously transformed over thousands of years by the diseased blood that runs through his veins, the First has crea...

  • With the threat of the First now behind her, Natalie Pierce has little time to celebrate before yet another problem arises. By killing the first vampire ever made, she inadvertently set his ancient enemies free. Ten withered, starving creatures have ...

  • After destroying a horde of fledgling vampires with the help of her friends and allies, Natalie Pierce's hunt still isn't over. Her enemy has fled to parts unknown and will shortly begin to build a new army. The ancient vampire's ultimate goal is to ...

  • Evicted from their own world by the humans that they have twice saved, Natalie Pierce and her few remaining kin float in the void of space inside the ship that has become their icy tomb.Rescue comes in the form of an alien spacecraft and Nat and her ...

  • With most of the Viltarans now dead, Natalie Pierce and her small band of friends must find a way to return home. It will be up to them to stop their remaining enemies from turning Earth into a ruined wasteland.Once more, Nat must come to the rescue ...

  • Grieving for Luc, Natalie Pierce is forced by fate to once more come to the rescue of the human race. Her new aquatic adversaries are far more dangerous than anything she has ever encountered before and she needs all the assistance she can find to ta...

  • Natalie and her friends have saved the earth and its inhabitants from vampire, clone and alien invasions, yet their task still isn't finished. She and her small army of vampires must eradicate yet another undead horde. Her dreams have given her hints...

  • Alexis Levine has just graduated from high school and intends to join the Army as soon as she turns eighteen. Her dream is to become a sniper, just like her often absent father. During routine weapons practice, she meets Mark Steel, the head of a sma...

  • Lexi Levine’s life changed forever the night she became a werewolf. She was only meant to be a temporary addition to the Shifter Squad, but at barely eighteen, she is now a permanent member of the team.Well used to facing danger, none of the squad ...

  • Lexi Levine has a secret that she is desperate to keep from the rest of the Shifter Squad. She is being hunted by a vampire who is determined to turn her into the undead. Lexi hopes that leaving New Orleans will enable her to escape from the fate tha...

  • On the heels of completing their latest mission, Lexi and Reece sense another werewolf hunting in the same area. One glance into his mind tells them that there is something very wrong with him. When a body is found in the woods nearby, their intuitio...

  • With the vampire virus slowly but surely working its way through Lexi and Reece, they must soon face down the being that has infected them or risk losing their souls to darkness. While on their way to confront Lexi's mother, the squad is called away ...

  • Defying the cycle of the moon that binds all shape shifters, Lexi transforms into her alter ego in an attempt to flee from her sorrow and anguish. Little does she know that no matter how far or fast she runs, she can’t escape from her grief at bein...

  • On a quest to hunt down her mother, Lexi underestimates just how powerful the vampirism in her system has become. Intent on murder, she is instead drawn in by false promises and sweet lies. Katrina rules her nest through intimidation and fear, but sh...

  • Lexi has faced many difficult challenges since becoming a member of the Shifter Squad. All were apparently designed to teach her the skills she needs to undertake the duty that Fate has given her. As absurd as it may seem, she is destined to save the...

  • With the apocalypse fast approaching, Lexi now knows who her nemesis is, but he isn’t going to be easy to defeat. She and the Shifter Squad must find a way to halt the stone golems and their minions as well as the hordes of zombies and hell spawn t...

  • Violet Harper is just about to turn seventeen when her world is torn apart. Fleeing from her home and from the creatures who took everything from her, she ends up in New York. The city that never sleeps isn't quite the safe haven that she’d hoped f...

  • Chosen by Fate to save her world from being overrun by demons, Violet Harper doesn’t just have the Hellmaster’s minions to contend with. She now also has to avoid a demonic creature that has been sent through the portal to spy on her.Unexpectedly...

  • Violet always knew that her mission to save the world from a horde of demons wouldn’t be easy. But she didn’t anticipate just how many obstacles would be thrown in her way. Her task doesn’t get any easier when she is forced to wonder whether so...

  • Violet already has the weight of the world on her shoulders, but a new enemy rises to test her. This time, it isn’t a demon or one of the creatures from hell who will get in her way. Instead, it is a challenger for Zach's affections. Thanks to her ...

  • Violet has to face many trials during her mission to stop the apocalypse from wiping out mankind, but her personal life is almost as complicated. The rivalry between her and Candice Weller is increasing in intensity. She won’t be able to resist tak...

  • Slowly dying from the Wraith Warrior’s toxin, Violet must resort to drastic measures to stay alive so she can continue her missions to hell. She will need to go against all of her instincts and trust someone who hates her in order for her health to...

  • Growing tired of being chased by Vepar and her death squad, Violet and her friends embark on a plan to turn things around. The Demon Lord doesn’t know it, but the hunter might soon become the hunted. Bob hasn’t given up on punishing Violet for he...

  • Without her soul to balance her opposing natures, Violet’s transformation into a demon is nearing completion. The evil that resides inside her is becoming harder to contain. If she doesn’t find her essence soon, the balance could be permanently t...

  • Violet is now nearing the end of her harrowing journey, but she still has a lot to accomplish. She is in danger of turning to the dark side and needs to take drastic action to purge herself of the toxin. She will have to trust in Fate that her plan w...

  • Fate's warriors from the Mortis, Shifter Squad and Hellscourge series will come together to fight a common enemy; Loki.Intent on conquering Earth, Loki's plans go far beyond one small, insignificant planet. He is planning on subjugating all sentient ...

  • The Shifter Squad is called back into action as Lexi, Natalie and Violet travel to the next dimension in search of their target. Lexi’s world comes under threat from the very being who created shapeshifters so long ago. Again, Loki has allied himse...

  • Violet’s world has only recently recovered from being invaded, but it is now about to be subjected to an attack by aliens. Her angelic and human friends will need to step up once again to save their planet. They will be instrumental in helping Hell...

  • Loki Laufeyson has made many mistakes during his lengthy existence, but none greater than attempting to overthrow Odin, King of Asgard. Exiled for his treachery, he seeks vengeance by becoming allied with creatures who are just as ambitious and merci...

  • Banished from Asgard, Loki is forced to flee from hideous green aliens who intend to kill him. He falls through a strange portal and ends up on a dystopian version of Earth. Deeply out of his depth in this harsh, post-apocalyptic world, his only hope...

  • Bianca and her friends have become captives of the soldiers they’d hoped would be their allies. She realizes she may have made a horrible mistake admitting that she is a witch. Now she has to convince Major Lincoln and his people that she means the...

  • Leaving Earth behind, Loki’s exile takes him to a distant planet in his quest to find his way home. He and Bianca will face their greatest challenges yet when they encounter the warlike Viltarans on their home world. After a lifetime of being hated...

  • Arienna Austin is a girl on a mission. Her family was murdered by vampires five years ago and she has trained long and hard to become a hunter. She finally encounters the nest of bloodsuckers who ruined her life and she intends to exact her revenge o...

  • Ari has a choice to make that could change everything between herself and her ghostly best friend. She must decide whether to tell Jonah about his past, or to let him remain clueless about how he’d come to be haunting the Hunter Elite’s mansion. ...

  • In order to learn more about their adversary, Ari joins Spencer on a secret mission to question a master vampire. Their hope is that the bloodsucker will be able to give them some insights into Morgwen's plans. It won't be easy to extract the info...

  • The Hunter Elite will face a deadly foe when they are sent to Scotland, but they have more problems than just their latest mission. If Connor’s kin learn about his forbidden relationship with a vampire, it could end in disaster for them both. Ever ...

  • Following Spencer’s orders, the Hunter Elite heads to London. While Roderick searches the Archives for a way to imprison or kill Morgwen, the hunters seek a spell book. It could hold the key to break Ari free from the hold Von Hades has over her. I...

  • The team returns home from London and are drawn into another mission straight away. Quin has to face her father who rejected her so long ago for being defective. She will have to put aside her hurt and focus on finding a bunch of missing kids before ...

  • Succumbing to Alakay’s master vampire power, Ari becomes his unwilling servant. Luckily, she isn’t alone in the lair he’s chosen to lurk in. She makes an unlikely friend who could turn out to be beneficial to her in the long run. All she has to...

  • Ari finally gets a chance to contact the pixies. It is her hope that they will give her some of their magical dust so she can cast the spell that will nullify Spencer’s control over the people she loves. Their assistance won’t be free. They requi...

  • Ari now has everything she needs to break her friends and herself free from Spencer Von Hades’ thralldom. They are all aware that doing so will turn them into the demon’s enemy. With Morgwen and her army of dead, undead and Dread Wraiths to conte...

  • Jake Everett hunts monsters for a living and he’s very good at his job. He’s ridiculously handsome, scarily fast, exceptionally skilled and highly dangerous when riled to anger. Most of that comes from his fae genes. While his mother was human, h...

  • Jake Everett and his new team of hunters embark on their next mission, which takes them to a town called Paradise. All is not heavenly within the boundaries of the town. Strange creatures are plaguing the humans and it is their job to figure out what...

  • Hunting new elemental monsters that have appeared in Texas, Jake Everett and his team finally discover where these things are coming from. It seems that someone is altering the portals that normally lead to the fae realms to allow creatures to come t...

  • Jake Everett is trapped in the goblin dungeon with no way out. He’s succumbed to the darkness inside him just as the Seer had told him, but he is no closer to finding a way out. Once he finally breaks free of the labyrinth, he has two enemies to ki...

  • After the death of the Dark Prince, the Unseelie realm has been plunged into chaos. The land is being torn apart by endless storms. Asha Trinity is destined to become the new queen even though that’s the last thing she wants. Half dryad and half go...

  • All hell breaks loose on Halloween when a powerful spell is cast and black magic sweeps across the US. Anyone who was wearing a costume is turned into the person or creature they were pretending to be. Evil clowns, pirates, shapeshifters, zombies and...

  • Xiara Evora's job as the Guardian of Nox is more complex than she'd ever anticipated. Not that she'd applied for the role. Her backstory is to blame, so she brought this on herself. She'd decided she was a hunter of monsters and bad guys and it had b...

  • As time wears on in Nox, the Night Cursed beings are becoming more and more shunned and ostracized by the uncursed population. Mistrust is rising in all of the Districts and Xiara Evora is right in the middle of it. It's her job to keep the peace in ...

  • The Guardian of Nox is asked to search for a missing witch who just happens to be one of Crowmon's priestesses. It's news to Xiara that the trickster god has holy men and women worshipping him, but she has little choice but to help. Her job is to ass...

  • Eden never asked to become a member of the secret Assassin Guild. She was born in captivity, so to speak, and was raised to become a killer for the Immortal Triumvirate. She hates what she is and what she needs to do to survive. Like her colleagues, ...

  • Eden is still working on freeing herself from the control of her evil overlords, but it's proving to be harder than she'd hoped. The prediction Madam Quilla foretold for her future still hasn't come true. She is drawn to the disturbingly sexy master ...

  • Sorcha can't believe her best friend, Eden, is dead. The sorceress assassin vows to seek vengeance on the man who killed her friend. The only problem is that she doesn't know who is responsible for the succubus' demise. Asking the Immortal Triumvirat...

  • Sorcha is still hunting for the magic user who can free her from her slavery to the Immortal Triumvirate. Now that she's the only assassin left, she has to perform all of the murders her evil overlords deem to be necessary. Receiving two missions at ...

  • Born in the underground prison beneath Nox, Ember was sent to live in the Demon District where she would be among her own kind. Kept in a cage her entire life, the demoness burns to get revenge on the demon lord who is responsible for her slavery. Af...

  • Now that Raum has finally found his match, he will have to do whatever it takes to convince Ember to become bound to him. The demoness won't be easy to win over. Especially after the unfortunate incident when he'd tortured her. The Demon Guild Master...

  • Fifty years have passed since the fateful night the Immortal Triumvirate cast a curse that affected millions of people. The victims were turned into the Halloween costumes they were wearing at the time the hex struck. The poor souls were torn from th...

  • Raised by a malevolent witch in an isolated cabin in the woods, Alex is being kept prisoner for her own good. A monster is trapped inside her and it desperately wants out. The enchantments that are tattooed on her body keep it contained, for now. As ...

  • Now an agent of the Shifter Squad, Alex learns more about the evil witch who kidnapped her when she was a baby. It seems Irene Dawson has a vendetta against the older generation of the squad. The witch is using Alex as a tool and she's relentless in ...

  • Alex has not only lost the man she'd hoped would be her mate, she's also now stuck with an alpha werewolf. Heath Franko has joined the Shifter Squad and he's determined to seduce her. The rookie has no chance of winning her over, but that won't stop ...

  • Alex and the rest of the squad are stuck with the unwanted alpha on their team despite the trouble he keeps causing. When they team up with another alpha werewolf and his pack during a mission, tensions rise and tempers flare. With luck, Franko will ...

  • During a night out on the prowl, Sydney Walker-Levine meets a sexy, enigmatic weretiger. The pair hit it off instantly and their chemistry is undeniable. Everyone in the shifter nightclub can sense their desire for each other. The werecougar suspects...

  • While testing her skills as a pickpocket, Alex learns she has talents no one could have anticipated. The spells that prevent her from reaching her full potential have an unexpected side effect. While the enchantments are a curse, they're also proving...

  • Brynn Bailey is unique even for a member of the Shifter Squad. She's half lamia and half shifter and she thought she would never find anyone like herself. That all changed when Prince Gedniah was drawn to her world. He doesn't have a fully human form...

  • With so many strong personalities living in one building, tensions are bound to flare up sometimes. When Sydney pushes Crowmon too far, they learn that it's a very bad idea to mock a god. Their trivial arguments turn nasty and he casts a spell that w...

  • Nick has always been in his big brother's shadow and never quite felt like he measured up to Liam. When their little sister comes home traumatized from her latest abduction, Nick takes matters into his own hands. He decides to go on a hunt alone to e...

  • Now that the new members of the squad have settled in, it's time for the team to get back to work. Two missions have cropped up and need to be taken care of. One is a monster hunt and the other one is right up Alex's alley. The mayor of a small town ...

  • Saige Sterling is a curvy, confident hunter who has been training to kill monsters for a decade. She intends to become the premier bounty hunter in Nexus. First, she needs to make a name for herself so she will come to the attention of the boss of th...

  • Saige Sterling has been working as a bounty hunter for her weredragon boss for six months now. Drake Gilden is a sexy enigma that she isn't sure she'll ever be able to figure out. They have undeniable chemistry, but she's so far beneath him in the su...

  • Saige is still adjusting to having a sex demon for a roommate, but it's getting easier now that Aurora has her own bed to sleep in. She wished her strange relationship with Drake Gilden would run as smoothly. Unfortunately, it just keeps getting more...

  • Saige should know better by now, but she can't seem to stop making dubious deals with sketchy beings. It always seems like a good idea at the time, but inevitably ends up biting her on the butt later. The badass bounty hunter finds herself in a ...

  • Being the best bounty hunter in Nexus is awesome, but it comes with a price. Saige Sterling's fame is growing and her services are in increasingly high demand. When one of Lord Gilden's allies requests her assistance, she has no choice but to accept....

  • Working two jobs and not getting enough sleep is making Saige Sterling a very cranky bounty hunter. As if that isn't bad enough, Lord Gilden has found another way to punish her for her defiance. He's forcing her to watch him pay her colleagues their ...

  • As if Saige Sterling doesn't already have enough on her plate, she now has assassins gunning for her. That's the price she has to pay for being such an awesome bounty hunter. Her fame is growing and she's gaining new enemies along the way. An un...

  • As Saige has become well aware by now, making bargains can have unexpected consequences later down the track. She'll finally need to face Belladonna again about the sketchy deal she made with her when she agreed to steal an artifact from the catacomb...

  • After conquering eight realms of the underworld, Saige Sterling and her team only have one dimension left to visit. The ninth realm will be filled with danger and powerful beings. When Aurora is taken by their enemies again, Saige and Ruen will need ...

  • Harmoni is on the run from an organization that wants to lock her away. She and her friends escaped from their captors five years ago and have become successful thieves. With two wolf shifters, a demon and whatever kind of creature Harm is, few can w...

  • Working for a vampire hadn't been in Harmoni's plans, but so far it was turning out to be better than she'd expected. She and her friends were gaining more skills and experience doing what they loved best. Ares was bonus eye candy for Harm, along wit...

  • Harmoni and her team are in a race to find the creature who can fix Ares. This isn't a mission they can blast through while snagging loot along the way. They'll have to find someone who knows who he is and where he is first. Omen made a deal wit...

  • Harmoni and her team are faced with a different kind of mission when they return to Augury from their latest job. One of the wolves who guards Omen's property is in trouble. Rescuing the shifter will have repercussions that none of them could have ex...

  • Harmoni's pack is getting larger as she draws new additions into her team. Omen is less than happy about accommodating another vampire. He knows he can't kick her out without upsetting the balance. Like it or not, he's hooked on Harmoni's blood now. ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

J.C. Diem has published 83 books.

J.C. Diem does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Mind Dominator, was published in June 2024.

The first book by J.C. Diem, Death Beckons, was published in April 2013.

Yes. J.C. Diem has 14 series.