Author Information
Jay Lumbert's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    4 Books (1 Series)
  • First Book:
    May 2008
  • Latest Book:
    October 2010
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Full Series List in Order

Varicose Vigilantes

1 - The Varicose Vigilantes (May-2008)
2 - Hedge Money (Oct-2010)

Book List in Order: 4 titles

  • Jay Lumbert is saving the world again. This time, it's with a group of retirees living in the Final Rest, a retirement community in Miami! When a young girl goes missing, and the police ignore the crime, it is up to Tony Trance and his band of misfit...

  • Jay Lumbert hits the bull's-eye with this one. WOW. Move over Patterson, Ludlum, Cussler, Clancy and Brown. Make room at the top of the heap for Jay Lumbert. In this explosive mystery thriller Jay Lumbert puts himself at the head of the class of toda...

  • The Presidential Pretendert

    Sammantha Starodubov was a well-adjusted twelve-year-old, with two loving parents, many close friends and a horse named Starr. Her parents, both physicists, had left Russia to live the America Dream. Everything changed ...

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