The United States of America is in crisis. Radical militiamen are targeting hydroelectric dams and nuclear power plants, devastating the power grid. The economy, already weakened by government mismanagement, is in free fall. Food and gas shortages ro...
Mo Collins, the reluctant Hero, has sailed around the country on board the replica pirate ship, the Viva Ancora and now he finds himself only miles from his childhood home. But now the world has gone to hell. Hordes of naked, blue, biting zombies hav...
Being The Hero of a zombie apocalypse ain’t easy. People expect you to defeat lunatics, save survivors, and recover treasure, when you would rather just make time with your girl. Mo Collins can’t avoid his scripted destiny; his personal Oracle, S...
For Mo Collins surviving the zombie apocalypse isn’t getting any easier. Defeating blunatics, saving survivors, recovering treasure and securing Guntersville Island has been taking up Mo’s time when he would rather just make time with his girl. B...
Mo Collins is surviving the zombie apocalypse, but it hasn’t been easy. So far he has gathered himself a group of misfits, and one monkey, to help carve out an island paradise in the middle of a world turned blue and ravenous by an unknown plague. ...