This is a futuristic thriller spanning one hundred years in which the question concerning whether there are other intelligent life forms in the universe is finally answered and a universal government is created. The Mansly brothers are imprisoned tog...
Sixteen years after the historic first contact with alien life and the set up of an interplanetary government, the Chief Executive, Admiral A.D. Beatty, is due for retirement. As he is preparing to end the night's celebrations, a brutal and calculate...
The first book in the 'Amelia Maylock' series. Little did Amelia know that as she dressed for school on a normal Friday morning at the beginning of March, her life would soon change forever. 'You are here because you are the only one who can defeat h...
The highly anticipated third book in the Amelia Maylock series. - They all started walking up the bank and used the tree trunks as cover, concealing themselves in the shadows when they moved, silently. It was a needed skill too as Maratlus had guards...
Hidden in the amethyst is the second book in the Amelia Maylock series. Had the old hag made a mistake? This couldn't be what Amelia was supposed to meet here, could it? Why would she send Amelia to fight such a - whatever it was - without warning he...
The fourth book in the Amelia Maylock series. "I need to be careful." People in the old fashioned dimension were not familiar with magic of any kind. Amelia reminded herself that staying disguised was paramount. If she did find something wrong in the...
Banana skins on the table is a look at the world through the diary entries of Nathan, a man who's not happy with life. He decides to take action, change his attitude towards life and work harder for complete contentment. Nathan begins by adjusting ba...
Meet young Holly Silverstone, the girl who sees daisies turn to butterflies ... who dreams of places that she has never been to ... who is invited to study at the elusive and enchanting Highlands Academy of truth and excellence.The voices will come, ...
Silence followed for half a minute, although it felt a lot longer for Elana. She could hear the thumping heart in her chest as the seconds ticked by and sense the visored eyes all pointing at her. "You may leave, Elana Mayne," said the guard as he ha...
Another shift in the dream occurs before I receive an answer. I'm now standing at the front door. "Goodbye, Mother, Father. I'm so sorry about everything. I will come back to you, even if it takes me the rest of my life, I will find my way back to yo...
There are seventeen inked dots on the inside of my left forearm - to indicate my age - plus the identifier, F-918. That is my name, the only one I have ever been known by. -- A future impossible to imagine. The world is a connected entity, covered...
Book one in the Amelia Maylock Chronicles. -- Little did Amelia know, as she dressed for school on a normal Friday morning at the beginning of March, her life would soon change, forever. -- Suddenly, it spoke again. “Maylock … come here.” Th...
They're here. Stay quiet. Don't make a sound. I spent all night covered by a deranged coating of fear. The noise they made kept me trapped in a permanent and sadistically cruel panic. It was nothing compared to the fear I now feel. This fear cuts...
I've combined my first six lyric catalog books into these three poetry books. If you know someone who likes to read poetry, write songs but has a hard time writing lyrics, who wants to study lyrics to become a better lyricist or someone who likes to ...