While snooping around in the Old Dutch Flat Hotel, four friends discover that the hotel's dumbwaiter has an interesting secret of its own. As the secret unfolds, the friends are taken on a mysterious voyage through real gold rush history, days of fam...
Part 2 is an unbelievable glimpse into the future. A real page turner! When four friends reunite for a week of adventure in the historical town of Dutch Flat, the action is riveting and nonstop. The hotel's rusty old dumbwaiter unexpectedly becomes t...
MAYANS, CRYSTAL SKULLS AND THE JAGUAR THRONE BRILLIANTLY COME TO LIFE IN THE THIRD BOOK OF THE MYSTERY AROUND HISTORY SERIES When Miki and her friends offer to run Aunt Sonia's pizza parlor while on Christmas vacation, they elatedly find themselves r...
At twelve, Li Hua is sold to a floating brothel, but destiny has other plans. Behind the walls of the Forbidden City, she evolves from concubine to spy. She navigates treachery, suppresses a rebellion, and engineers a bold escape with only a mastery ...