Faithful Rebecca will not easily be forgotten. In this wildly erotic, magical and comic novel of fast-paced suspense, Rebecca, a modern day Scarlett O'Hara from New York City, embarks on an impassioned search for her infant daughter, Lily, and Lily's...
It's Only Rock and Roll is the first anthology of fiction ever published that deals exclusively with the intoxicating urgency, iconic power, and even disturbing underside of rock music, arguably the most influential art form of the past fifty years. ...
This vibrant collection of nineteen short stories by the two-time winner of the prestigious O. Henry Prize is by turns erotic, wildly funny, bawdy, and poignant. Eidus explores our contemporary obsessions: sexboth safe and not-so-safe; Prozac, the...
Babette Bliss, the decidedly modern heroine of this comical novel, suffers from an unsettling problem: ambivalence. She has taken leave from her job with an avant-garde New York theater to face her dilemmas concerning her marriage, career, and sou...
In these eighteen stories Janice Eidus, with comic and tender irony, casts a sharp eye upon contemporary myths of romance, rebellion, and self-discovery.
"Janice Eidus . . . possesses a fierce imagination . . . inventive and darkly amusing."...
The War of the Rosens, set in 1965, is about an eccentric Jewish family in the Bronx in which the sibling rivalry between two young sisters -- one of whom is seriously ill -- reaches a danger point, forcing each family member to face the limitations ...
Lilith Zeremba, a young woman rebelling against her intellectually complex, feminist Jewish mother, is The Last Jewish Virgin. In this playful and provocative, sensual and suspenseful novel, Janice Eidus merges the timeless, romantic myth of the vamp...