From the winner of the Coretta Scott King/John Steptoe New Talent Award, this provocative story about a young man straddling two very different worlds unfolds against a backdrop of brotherhood and betrayal, friendship and loyalty, and captures the di...
A tough and funny project girl manages to make that chill wind blow away The good life, according to Aisha Ingram, is easy. It’s hanging with friends, dancing, listening to music, whatever . . . but it doesn’t include worrying about the future...
Janet McDonald introduces readers to two sisters who discover that all you have to do is stick together to handle life's many twists and turns.It may have taken them an extra year or two to do it, but the Washington sisters finally graduated high sch...
Hustle's personal Harlem was sorely in need of a renaissance. For him, it was the place where a scared kid named Eric Samson had been ditched by druggy parents and dismissed by frustrated teachers. Abandoned to the streets to raise himself, Eric Sams...
Raven Jefferson never expected she'd be a mother at sixteen like her best friend, Aisha. Now she's stuck being just another high school dropout, a project girl with few prospects. Or maybe not; Raven does have ambition. Still, when is she going to fi...