Follow the adventures of fifteen-year-old Rory, whose one goal in life is to compete at barrel riding with her horse, Duke. She develops a secret relationship with Jake, whose family is suing her father over water rights. Everything comes to a head w...
Rory got the kiss, but not the fairy tale. Her Prince Charming went off to college. Left to face the rumor-mill alone, she discovers far more dangerous things lurking in town than gossip-a plot to harm her! Everyone pushes her around as a pawn in ...
More than a year may have passed, but some wounds need more than time to heal -- they need revenge… Hiding her heart behind a wall of indifference, Rory keeps everyone at arm’s length. She struggles with Jake’s return to Pinedale, but find...
Their stuffed prison should have been an eternal one… Trapped inside burlap dolls adorning a grave, Jessica and Claire’s souls outsmart their captor by taking over the body of a sixteen-year-old girl -- but their troubles are far from over....