Death at the Blue Elephant is the first story collection by the respected and multiple award winning Australian writer and editor Janeen Webb. he is a recipient of the World Fantasy Award, the Peter MacNamara SF Achievement Award, the Australian Aure...
"Multigenerational, sweeping across three continents...Inventive and absorbing alternate history." —Nancy Kress The date is 1854. The place is the Australian goldfields in the British colony of Victoria—the richest prize on eart...
Meet the shapeshifting dragons of Hong Kong. Adept at passing for human, they are the kind of dragons you'd find at a Gatsby party—charming, sophisticated, glamorous, outrageously wealthy—and utterly ruthless.Nothing, it seems, can challe...
Meet the shapeshifting dragons of Hong Kong. Adept at passing for human, they are charming, sophisticated, glamorous, outrageously wealthy—and utterly ruthless in their control of corporate society.Nothing, it seems, can challenge their privile...