A unique series, The Elementals are four sisters, Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. The four must band together and save the Earth. Dark witches persuade humans to poison the world keeping the Elementals weakened. Fairies have defended the Swamp Lands...
The battle with Desdemona continues. Sera seeks answers from the humans and finds out more about herself than the humans. The Sisters reunite to save the Earth and stop the Dark witches. More adventure, new loves, and rekindled love comes to life in ...
The battles continue as the sisters hunt the dark witches. Adrianna comes to face her weaknesses. It all begins with a vision and lost love is found, new loves come to light. Forgiveness is found and futures are revealed. Annabella had the visions co...
Looking for an adventure that will take you thousands of years into the future. To find love and power. Magic and fantasy take you on a journey to the realms that the Earth is a gateway to. Books 1 and 2 combined. The four sisters start the journey t...
The battle to save the Earth. The Elementals find tragedy and hope. Traveling through realms and battling the Dark Witches to meet the final epic battle. Will the Earth survive? Will the human race have to be destroyed to save the Earth?...
The Earth is dying, awakening the elementals from the slumber is the only way to save it. Wyatt Nolan brings the Elemental Earth back into reality, she is not a human but has the power to save the Earth. Terra unites the four Elementals together to b...
The final battle with the Sorcerer Baphomet. What price does the Earth pay in trying help the Elementals in this final battle? Will the human race have to End? Will the Earth die along with all the gateways to the other realms? All the questions are ...
Throughout life, people experience ups and downs. There is birth, love, and death. The basics of life. We must also accept there are memories, good and bad. Happy and pain that should always find balance and that is what life is about. Trial and rewa...