In the port city of Fortaine, two young girls acquire new families. Four-year-old Eawynn, the unwanted illegitimate daughter of an ambitious noble, is dumped in the temple. When she is old enough, she will be initiated into its sisterhood of pries...
Catalina de Valasco’s parents have her future fully planned. The most important step for a seventeenth century Spanish noblewoman being, of course, an advantageous marriage. Unfortunately, a series of setbacks has left Catalina unwed. On a gall...
The Celts knew it as Annwyn, the Otherworld―certainly not a destination IT professional Lori Cooper anticipates when distracting herself with a magazine puzzle page in the dentist’s waiting room. Clues buried in the answers lead her to Tamsin, wh...
Politics in the Kavillian Senate is a dangerous, high-stakes game, and the odds aren’t on Cassie’s side. As imperial envoy, she’s tasked with adding a new region to the empire. Normally, this is a simple matter for the legions, but...
High level politics in the Kavillian empire is a dirty, dangerous game—a game Cassie knows well. As a member of an ambitious imperial family, she has been tutored from birth to play a leading role in the contest for power. Yet even she is caugh...