A delightful continuation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. In writing a series of letters to her beloved sister, Jane, Elizabeth Darcy describes her first year as mistress of Pemberley with all its anxieties and joys, but never losing her sense ...
Letters from Pemberley, Jane Dawkins's popular continuation of Pride and Prejudice, described Elizabeth Bennet's first year at Pemberley as the newly wed Mrs. Darcy. More Letters From Pemberley picks up the story in 1814 and follows the life of one ...
She has beauty, poise and intelligence, a diamond of the first water, a prize of great value, but she is not happy. Lady Davina Woodburn feels totally uprooted. A country girl at heart, she is a better judge of horse-flesh than any man, enjoys the wi...
In this continuation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, one of the best-loved novels in the English language, Elizabeth Bennet finds herself in a very different league of wealth and privilege, now as Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy and mistress of Pemberle...
To the delight of the many readers who loved Letters from Pemberley, Jane Dawkins’s popular continuation of Pride and Prejudice, More Letters from Pemberley continues the story of Elizabeth (Bennet) Darcy’s married life, picking up in 1814 and fo...
If You're Ever in Key West...Is a love song to a very special island at the southernmost tip of the United States...and an ode to women of a certain age.It will be best enjoyed on a beach under a palm tree......with a cold drink in one hand....