Has anything changed since Romeo and Juliet, Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, The Great Gatsby, Darwin, Freud and Sartre?
The men are from West Hollywood, Massachusetts, Manhattan, and Michigan; the women are from Newport, Rhode Island. Jan Aust...
Has anything changed since Romeo and Juliet, Madame Bovary, Anna Karenina, Tender is the Night, Darwin, Freud, Hefner and Gurley Brown?
The men are again from West Hollywood, Manhattan, Massachusetts, and Michigan; the women are from Newport, Rhod...
Has anything changed since Romeo and Juliet, The Art of Loving, The Outsider, Crime and Punishment, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, Candy, Lolita, Darwin, Freud, Camus and Herman Hesse?
The women are from Newport, Rhode Island while the men are from Wes...
Has anything changed since The Taming of the Shrew, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, The Prince, Darwin, Freud, Machiavelli, Masters and Johnson?
In this final book, the men are still from West Hollywood, Manhattan, Massachusetts, and Michi...