A suburban lawyer's life is changed when he becomes involved in a seemingly simple custody battle that leads him to an enigmatic detective, a professor with dreams of immortality, and a doorway to a higher place...
Blaine Ramsey has an unusual occupation. He travels to foreign countries and lives like a native. He drinks in the culture with his mind, body, and soul. And he does it all in the name of capitalism, for Blaine is an Image Digger, one of an elite ...
If dreams are doorways, where do they take us? The Deriwelle Institute has millions in funding, Nobel prize-winning scientists, and a mission that could be crazy--or about to change the world.... Science fiction writer Wayne Dolan--his career a...
David Grant has a singular talent--he can affect the course of his dreams.Quite by chance, he discovers the existence of the Trans-Humanist Institute and their lucid dreaming lessons. He discovers that under the tutelage of Dr. Thotmoses he has more ...
An unconscious woman in the garbage bay of an interplanetary ship. A sexually transmitted virus that turns back time. A detective's report from a parallel universe. The Angel of Death squatting on a branch of a neighborhood tree. A beautiful bodyguar...
Heath Ransom, former police psychic turned machine-enhanced “endovoyant” private investigator, is hired to find the consciousness of the rich and comatose Margaret Biel and return it to her body. Tracking her through the etheric world, he comes u...