Phoebe Rae Vaughn, a high school cheerleader, undergoes dramatic and disorienting anatomical changes during her senior year. Along with help from her eccentric uncle, she follows a difficult path to self discovery that leads through a challenging maz...
A high school junior fights to protect his best friend from the dark side of college athletics Tyron has finally shed his baby fat, and he's starting to look like a star. He moves with grace on the basketball court, showing the brilliance that eludes...
To fulfill his destiny, a teenage boy takes refuge on an Indian reservation... Ever since he can remember, Floyd Rayfield has wanted to be a Native American. Abandoned by his family and raised in foster care, Floyd has never had a sense of who he w...
A teenage girl is drawn to a Christian preacher who could save her soul -- or destroy her life Anne-Marie has gone to church her whole life, but until she sets foot in the revival tent, she has never felt the power of faith. She goes to watch Bro...
Struck by a flying bat, a high school pitcher becomes a completely different person in this hilarious story of sports and growing up The boy on the mound is Vano Lucas, and he may be the greatest pitcher the world has ever seen. He can throw a fastba...
An unusual boy gets a second chance in a very peculiar Texas school in this comical parody Bailey Mushrush is on his way home from work when he sees the homeless boy sitting outside his house. The boy is bigger than Bailey, with a ghastly scar do...
His brother dead, a baseball star struggles to fill his footsteps Coley Burke's brother, Patrick, taught him how to throw a baseball, how to get girls, and how to keep their overbearing father off his back. Everything came easily to Patrick, whos...
Sonny lives for basketball, and if he's not careful, he might die for it... Sonny Youngblood stands in the darkened fraternity house, a pledge bracing for another round of hazing. As he watches his fellow freshmen endure humiliation, Sonny's mind i...