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James Strauss's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    14 Books (1 Series)
  • First Book:
    April 2009
  • Latest Book:
    August 2020
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Full Series List in Order

The Mastodons

1 - The Boy (Apr-2009)

Book List in Order: 14 titles

  • In a time some 25,000 years ago, a small tribe located in a primal valley attempts to survive the many threats from the catastrophes of geological upheavals, where survival is wrested from the elements and life is to endure starvation. The perspectiv...

  • Arch Patton, middle aged CIA operative, finds himself associated with his unrequited love, Virginia and a band of Hawaiians Natives, active in the Sovereignty Movement, dedicated to protest the possible nuclear contamination of the Islands....

  • Arch Patton, middle aged CIA operative, finds himself associated with his unrequited love, Virginiaand a band of Hawaiians Natives, active in the Sovereignty Movement, dedicated to protestingthe possible nuclear contamination of the Islands. The adv...

  • This novel is set in the very center of the time of most difficult combat experienced by a United States Marine Corps rifle company. A second lieutenant, only days from training back in the states is ordered, under fire, to assume command of a compa...

  • Arch Patton, the slightly aging CIA operative, finds himself assigned to a secret mission, ostensibly to secure the freedom of the son of a portly United States Senator, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The action takes place in the ...

  • He's back with twice the action! Arch Patton, aging CIA operative, finds himself assigned to a secret mission, ostensibly to secure the freedom of the son of a portly United States Senator, the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee.The action ...

  • Thirty Days Has September is set in the very center of the time of most difficult combat experienced by a United States Marine Corps rifle company. During this Second Ten Days the Second Lieutenant, ‘Junior’, only 14 days from training back in th...

  • The minds of children do not work the same way as the minds of the adults around them. The minds of children function quite actively without the soothing and demanding layers of duplicity children are going to need to survive in the adult world. Adu...

  • 25,000 years ago a young man travels to maturity. He was not a part of the close-knit social order that held all male members of the tribe together in a nearly invisible grip. The small waves and nods, or even looks of recognition and acceptance, wer...

  • This Volume completes the Thirty Day Saga of a young 2nd Lieutenant dropped off in the middle of the A Shau Valley in the Vietnam War. He instantly becomes the commanding officer of the Company, since the previous officers were killed by friendly fir...

    • / Historical
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    The Cowardly Lion is what the survivor of the Thirty Days Has September had to become in appearance and presentation in order to return home from becoming Junior and survive in a culture where none of the tools he used so effectively to control life ...

    • / Historical
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    The Cowardly Lion is what the survivor of the Thirty Days Has September series had to become in appearance and presentation in order to return home from becoming Junior and survive in a culture where none of the tools he used so effectively to contro...

    • / General Fiction
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    The Duke of Earl wasn't real, any more than Duke Kahanamoku was real in any royal sense of the descriptor.A rock and roll song was released just as Duke Kahanmoku was getting involved with Elvis and the work going on for Blue Hawaii,filming on Waikik...

    • / Science Fiction
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    There was no place on earth. No orphans, wandering toddlers or strange children of any kind would be allowed entry to any tribe. There was insufficient sustenance left for the surviving population to allow for even the most minimal relief or tender m...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

James Strauss has published 14 books.

James Strauss does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Thirty Days Has September, The Last Ten Days, was published in August 2020.

The first book by James Strauss, The Boy, was published in April 2009.

Yes. James Strauss has 1 series.