A historical novel set in Bluegrass Kentucky and Boston just before the Civil War. Hacey Miller, son of a conservative shopkeeper, falls under the influence of Cassius M. Clay, becomes an emancipationist and returns to Kentucky to help establish Bere...
Barred from his favorite bar! Half Irish, half Italian, half-drunk through most of the 1890s, Paddy Moretti spent most of the hours he wasn't pursuing horse racing stories for The Spirit of the Times in his favorite New York alehouse, McSorley's S...
While hopping freight trains from Chicago to Oregon, Glen Hatton meets Jake Holmquist, a radical IWW organizer, and between cons and transient jobs, becomes drawn into the bloody labor disputes of the early 1900s...
A girl could get lost in Chicago.... A reporter who freely traded information for ale, Boz Markey knew no newspaper in town would print anything that might drive away the tourists. Besides, disappearing women just weren't news--not in Chicago and ...
When Berea College is closed by a proslavery mob, Hacey Miller, a Berea professor and son of a slave owner, decides to join the Union in the fratricidal war. The action moves from Kentucky to the plots of wartime Washington, and climaxes in the night...