In The Lost Girl, James Morrison finds a compelling lens through the eyes of a young person trying to understand the world and her place in it. In stylized prose both elegant and spare, saturated with irony but fraught with tenderness, Morrison raise...
Fiction. LGBT studies. In these nine stories, James Morrison writes about the intricate relation between tenderness and cruelty, about the burdens and freedoms of selfhood, the vagaries of identity, and the connections and disconnections among people...
For two years, Brother Pete has lived as a monk in a rundown abbey on the outskirts of the city. He has run away from his life only to find himself among a group of outcasts and oddballs, from a former child star who's seen better days, to an ol...
David Shamni, a British national, working undercover as a Palestinian civil servant, has spent most of his adult life spying for the CIA for the benefit of Israel. He is abducted after having covertly dropped off some particularly critical informatio...
It is 1984 and Gerry Ried is a young and ambitious undercover agent for the MI5. Having infiltrated the IRA, he sets his sights on gaining the trust of Liam, one of the most important and respected men in the organisation. Going against his MI5 handl...
A show and tell-all about the erotic and sometimes tender world of kinky sex, swinging, and polyamory. With a distinctly female perspective, the authors weave psychology, fiction and personal insights bringing this little-known world alive. You'll le...