Hailed as the new Michael Crichton, compared to Stephen King and Jules Verne, James M. Tabor is an emerging suspense master who deftly blends heart-stopping adventure, cutting-edge science, and gripping intrigue. Now, in this original eBook short sto...
In this gripping debut thriller from James M. Tabor, a brilliant and beautiful scientist and a mysterious special ops soldier must lead a team deep into the Earth on a desperate hunt for the cure to a deadly epidemic. When she was unjustly fired ...
The most dangerous place on Earth A devious and deadly plan to save humanity from itself A lone scientist battling the clock and ruthless enemies to avert global catastrophe Now, bestselling author James M. Tabor ups the ante and the action in ...
The most dangerous place on Earth A devious and deadly plan to save humanity from itself A lone scientist battling the clock and ruthless enemies to avert global catastrophe The Deep Zone was hailed as “an absolutely phenomenal read by the n...